Montgomery County, Kentucky Barn Quilts List
– Jan 9, 2017
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
KY-87-01 Montgomery Single Wedding Ring Byron & Dianne Craycraft 07-2016 N38 02.703 W84 00.986 W. of Mt. Sterling. US60 W. 3.5 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) on the W. side of Mt. Sterling, N. on Prewitt Grassy Lick Rd. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 632.
KY-87-02   Stonewall Jackson Dr Scott Caudill 07-2016 N38 01.958 W84 01.475 W. of Mt. Sterling. W. of Mt. Sterling, Montgomery County, KY. US60 W. 4.15 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) on the W. side of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 4533.
KY-87-03   Ninepatch Fred & Judy Barrow 07-2016 N38 01.707 W83 56.854 S. of Mt. Sterling. KY11 (Levee Rd.) S. 1.6 miles from jct with US460 in Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1887.
KY-87-04   Blazing Star Rob & Cindy Neal 07-2016 N37 55.545 W83 51.388 S. of Mt. Sterling. US460 S. (curves SE) 7.4 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, S. on KY213 3.8 miles, E. on Spruce Valley Rd. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 121.
KY-87-05   Star in A Star Unknown 07-2016 N37 55.497 W83 49.547 SE of Mt. Sterling. US460 SE 8.1 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, S. on KY599 4.0 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 4025.
KY-87-06   Untitled Unknown 07-2016 N37 57.495 W83 50.612 SE of Mt. Sterling. US460 SE 8.1 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, S. on KY599 1.05 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1020.
KY-87-07   Untitled Anderson Family 07-2016 N37 58.218 W83 50.355 SE of Mt. Sterling. US460 SE 8.1 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, S. on KY599 0.15 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 130.
KY-87-08   Double Pinwheel Back's Auto Auction 07-2016 N37 58.148 W83 47.837 SE of Mt. Sterling. US460 SE 10.3 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, NE on Rocky Branch Rd. 0.3 miles, N. on New Cut Rd. 0.15 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 810.
KY-87-09   Star of Hope Hope Hill Children's Home 07-2016 N38 00.661 W83 46.395 ESE of Mt. Sterling. KY713 SE (curves S.) 9.5 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) E. of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 10230.
KY-87-10   Morning Star-Evening Star Steve Williams 07-2016 N38 00.905 W83 46.261 ESE of Mt. Sterling. KY713 SE (curves S.) 9.2 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) E. of Mt. Sterling, E. on KY905 (Stulltown Rd.) 0.1 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 100.
KY-87-11   Carpenters Wheel Gerald & Carolyn Whitaker 07-2016 N38 01.312 W83 47.176 ESE of Mt. Sterling. KY713 SE 8.2 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) E. of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 9271.
KY-87-12   Diamond Star Hickory Springs Farm 07-2016 N38 00.362 W83 52.549 SE of Mt. Sterling. US460 SE 5.0 miles from jct with KY11 (Levee Rd.) in Mt. Sterling, N. on McCormick Rd. 1.2 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 4410.
KY-87-13   Army Star Firefly Farm Steve & Ann Muntz 07-2016 N38 02.592 W83 53.534 ESE of Mt. Sterling. KY713 SE 81.6 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) E. of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3301.
KY-87-14   Tree of Life Bramble Ridge Orchard 07-2016 N38 03.537 W83 54.152 E. of Mt. Sterling. KY713 SE 0.9 miles from jct with KY686 (Indian Mound Dr.) E. of Mt. Sterling, N. on Osborne Rd. 0.85 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2726.
KY-87-15   Bears Paw Byman & Virgie Walters 07-2016 N38 06.310 W83 53.921 NE of Mt. Sterling. US60 N. 1.2 miles from jct with I64 exit 113 NE of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3831.
KY-87-16   Lemoyne Star Bill & Margaret Trusty Hilltop Farm 07-2016 N38 07.527 W83 52.400 NE of Mt. Sterling. US60 N. 3.05 miles from jct with I64 exit 113 NE of Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 4902.
KY-87-17   Flying Geese Ross Melton Alexa Hill Farm 07-2016 N38 07.966 W83 54.872 NNE of Mt. Sterling. US60 N. 3.4 miles from jct with I64 exit 113 NE of Mt. Sterling, W. on Van Thompson Rd. 2.25 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3995.
KY-87-18   Jack in the Box elodie Tipton Hawkins 07-2016 N38 06.642 W83 54.985 N. of Mt. Sterling. Hinkston Pike N. 4.2 miles from jct with US460 in Mt. Sterling to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3902.
KY-87-19   Clay's Choice Roland & Judy Ratliff 07-2016 N38 08.437 W83 57.221 N. of Mt. Sterling. US460 N. 0.7 miles from jct with I64 exit 110 on the N. side of Mt. Sterling, continue N. on KY11 (Maysville Rd.) 3.8 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 6100.
KY-87-20   Churn Dash Becky Hill Sterling Thimble Quilt Shop 07-2016 N38 08.153 W83 57.523 N. of Mt. Sterling. US460 N. 0.7 miles from jct with I64 exit 110 on the N. side of Mt. Sterling, continue N. on KY11 (Maysville Rd.) 3.45 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 5060.
KY-87-21   Rail Fence Collis & Alma Setters 07-2016 N38 06.856 W83 57.610 N. of Mt. Sterling. US460 N. 0.7 miles from jct with I64 exit 110 on the N. side of Mt. Sterling, continue N. on KY11 (Maysville Rd.) 1.95 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3152.